Little Creek Monastery

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10 Ways the 99% Have Superiority

The attacks made on us by the rich and powerful are highly orchestrated, powerful, diverse and are occurring on many fronts. We need responses that work in pretty much any situation versus responses that are individually customized for specific or one-off attacks.

Never fight an opponent on his terms. — an Essential Point of Self Defense (Source: Great River Jiu Jitsu)

We do not want to engage our attackers in their field of strength. Because that’s where they are stronger.

Let’s look at some ways we are superior.

10 Ways the 99% Have Superiority

  1. Their power and wealth is vast, but our numbers are vast and overwhelming.

  2. Their minds are closed by greed, but ours are open to fairness and balance. Since nature always seeks balance, this places an overwhelming power at our disposal.

  3. Their tactics are divide and conquer, but once we unify there is no stopping us. We are stronger at conquering them, than they are at dividing us. IF we unite and merge as one.

  4. A genuinely unified mind has no room for selfishness and greed. Therefore, they, committed to their self-centeredness, cannot unify their own minds.

  5. Their minds aren’t still, nor are they calm. Ours can be, as long as we stay loyal to training them to be calm.

  6. They fear falling because they live so high. We are already on the ground, and greet them as they fall. Don’t forget, 90% of all physical fights end up on the ground. Whenever they stumble, hesitate or fall, they land where we live. We own the terrain.

  7. Their power is found in conceit and arrogance, in dollars and the power of selfishness and negativity. Our army is that of minds. It’s the dark side versus the Force.

  8. Their fortress is money and power. Ours is the unstoppable rise of humanity. They’re surrounded every minute of every day with only breachable moats of isolation built to protect them in their castles.

  9. They can’t focus like we can, because they have too much on their minds.

  10. They can’t focus on the simple, because they are convinced they are too smart.